
Types of Membership
  1. Institutional Member
    An institutional member is a member of the Center Founding Assembly. S/he is a life-time member who is exempted from paying fees.
  2. Full Member
    Full membership is granted for Qatari nationals who paid the subscription fees stated on in the Financial Bylaw of the Center. A full member is also a member who manages one of the cultural or social activities. S/he is exempted from paying fees.
  3. Affiliated Member
    Affiliated member is a member who joins the Center for a specified period and pays the subscription fee. This type of membership is limited for these two categories:
    1. Non-Qatari with valid residence permit.
    2. Members under the age of 18 years old.
      Affiliated member enjoys all the rights and benefits of the full member, but s/he is not allowed to attend the General Assembly meetings or get nominated for the Board membership.
  4. Associate Member
    The Board decides to accept the membership of associate members. S/he is not allowed to attend the General Assembly meetings or get nominated for the Board membership.
  5. Distinguished member
    This membership is granted upon a decision made by the Board. S/he enjoys all the benefits of a full member and is exempted from paying fees.
  6. Honorary Membership
    This membership is granted by the Board to public figures and persons with experience in the field of Blind care.
Membership Conditions
  1. Members shall be blind or visually impaired.
  2. Must not be less than 12 years of age or not older than 60 years of age.
  3. Must be of good conduct and reputation.
  4. Must not be convicted in a felony or a misdemeanor prejudicial to honesty or fidelity, unless rehabilitated.
Membership Request Procedures

Application form and subscription fees shall be submitted to the Center and then viewed by the Board to be decided upon within 30 days. The applicant must be notified about the Board decision within one week from the date of its issuance. If the applicant is accepted, then s/he is considered a member from the date of submitting the application. In case the applicant is rejected, the subscription fee shall be returned to him/her.

Suspension of Membership

Membership may be suspended if the subscription fee hasn't been paid for a period that doesn't exceed thirty days from the beginning of the financial year. The Board has the right to prevent this member from utilizing the Center's facilities and attending the General Assembly meetings.

Membership is granted back to the suspended member after paying the due fees. Member has the right to attend the General Assembly if s/he pays the fees one week before its date of conduct and s/he also has the right to use the Center's facilities.

Membership Subscription Fees and Annual Fees
  1. Subscription fees: (QR 50)
  2. Annual fees: (QR 100). It must be paid within the last two months after the end of the financial year, or the member will not be allowed to attend the General Assembly.